Popsicle Sticks Zoo: Fun with interlocking popsicle sticks


Popsicle Sticks Zoo — this is so much fun to prepare and even more fun to play with!

Popsicle Sticks Zoo
A Home for Now

These aren’t your regular popsicle sticks. They are interlocking popsicle sticks so you can create various shapes and objects with them. We got a pack of 50 interlocking popsicle sticks at National Bookstore for around P30.00.

Popsicle Sticks Zoo
Let the building begin!

Fun with a Popsicle Sticks Zoo!

Timmy has a bunch of animals, and introducing new ways of sorting them via a popsicle stick zoo was an appealing idea. I went ahead and created little playpens for his animals.

Popsicle Sticks Zoo

Popsicle Sticks Zoo

He had a lot of fun sorting them! He randomly put animals into the pens, his goal looking like it was to squeeze as many animals as he could in one pen.

Popsicle Sticks Zoo

Popsicle Sticks Zoo

Popsicle Sticks Zoo

Fun times! Eventually he started using this popsicle sticks zoo pens for his Cars characters. He also used them as bedrooms for when his animals would sleep. One time he piled one pen on top of another to create a taller enclosure to organize his toys.

What other things can we do with interlocking popsicle sticks? Share your ideas and suggestions here! :)

2 Comments on Popsicle Sticks Zoo: Fun with interlocking popsicle sticks

  1. Chrissy Caballero
    November 25, 2013 at 12:20 pm (10 years ago)

    Fantastic idea! :) Lyndel is currently loving his farm animals, he’d super love this!:)


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